Triumph of the Cross Works of Mercy Teams and Ministries
Making Known God's Merciful Love
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Works of Mercy Teams
Connecting Together
Neighbors in Christ
Neighbors in Christ Bed Program
Works of Mercy Teams provide a supportive Catholic community, Christian formation, and pertinent ministry training for the parishioners in Steubenville, assisted by the Franciscan Sisters, TOR. United in Christ, the parish Works of Mercy Teams bring His merciful love to those in need. Our ministries emphasize building supportive relationships and being attentive to physical, social and spiritual wellbeing of those we serve.
The Neighbors in Christ Beds Program is a year-round program provides beds to meet the basic need for sleep and rest for our neighbors, the residents of Urban Mission homeless shelters, so that they can continue to move forward as they transition from the shelter into their new homes.
We welcome your prayers and financial donations. CLICK HERE to donate online to the Neihbors in Christ Bed Program.
Connecting Together serves to facilitate the building of community by putting people directly in touch with one another in order to build long term supportive relationships with special attentiveness to the parish community, local area, and nursing homes.
We're still developing this webpage and will be adding more information, so check back often.